Late last night, an elite team of U.S. Navy SEALS attacked Osama bin Laden's luxury hideout in urban Abbottabad, Pakistan. Their mission was to kill the mastermind of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on American soil -- attacks which killed nearly 3,000 men, women and children.
Today, as the world celebrates the end to that decade-long manhunt, we also remember the brave rescue workers and innocent civilians who lost their lives in the the 9-11 attacks. In addition, we honor the many military personnel who have given their lives in the resulting war on terror so that we, here at home, can remain safe and free.
According to the New York State Health Department, 836 responders, including firefighters and police personnel, died as a result of 9-11. Among the 2,752 victims who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center, 343 were firefighters and 60 were police officers from New York City. Another 184 people were killed in the attack on the Pentagon. And 44 people died aboard United Airlines Flight 93, when the passengers overtook four hijackers and crashed the plane into a Pennsylvania field.
The majority of
September 11 casualties were civilians, including individuals from over 70 countries.
Following the events of 9-11, a company that etches artwork into glass commissioned me to create a special piece honoring America, it's heroes and those who gave their lives on September 11, 2001. The original piece can be seen above. It's created with colored pencils, and is inspired by the now-famous 9-11 photo of three firemen raising the American flag over the debris at Ground Zero in New York City.
The original commission was to be printed as a full-color poster and sold as such from the company's website -- in addition to their modified etched-glass version (
seen here). However, that idea never came to be, and only the etched artwork was made available. Nonetheless, it quickly became a top seller.
Since the original full-color version was never used, I was able to regain rights to it, and have since chosen to share it with others on my own website/store. It remains a favorite here as well.
With the news of Osama bin Laden's death, and the strong emotions that exist throughout the world today, it seemed like a good time to once again share this piece with others. I post this to honor the 9-11 victims, as well those who gave of themselves so that freedom, prosperity and justice may prevail.
Freedom is not free. We must always remember those who pay the price.
If you wish to own a poster or print of this original artwork, titled "
Homeland Heroes", you can find it in the
Homeland Heroes section of Jon Baas Designs.
posted by Jon at 1:15 PM I I